Sunset riders remake
Sunset riders remake

sunset riders remake sunset riders remake

Act 2 has two Robotnik signs ( goals) and as such, can be ended through two possible routes. There are many secret areas in this zone. Spring Yard Zone - It is an urban level with many springs and bumpers, resembling a pinball machine.

sunset riders remake

Below ground, however, the Marble Zone is full of moving platforms, magma flows, and crushing, spiked weights. Marble Zone - Above ground, grass grows over the ancient marble buildings and there are columns and statues everywhere.The level contains rolling hills, crumbling cliffs, and waterfalls. Green Hill Zone - As the first level in the game, Green Hill Zone is much more peaceful compared to the other zones in the game.57 Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games.54 Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.51 Sonic Colors/ Sonic Colors: Ultimate.48.7 Metal Sonic and Death Egg Zone DLC.47 Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games.44 Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood.26 Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic Adventure 2: Battle.23 Sonic Adventure/Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut.

Sunset riders remake